Konstantin Gamayunov

Affiliate Research Scientist
Melbourne, FL


Ph.D. Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere, and Radio Wave Propagation (IZMIRAN), Moscow, Russia, 1994

Dr. Gamayunov has extensive experience in theoretical and computational space plasma physics, and in data analysis and interpretation. In particular in:

  • kinetic and magnetohydrodynamic modeling of the Earth's magnetospheric plasma, nonlinear wave-particle and wave-wave interactions in the Earth's magnetospheric ring current (RC) and radiation belts (RBs);
  • large scale kinetic modeling of the Earth's magnetospheric ring current, plasmasphere, ionosphere, and electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves;
  • interaction between ultra low frequency (ULF) wave activity in the Pc 4-5 frequency range (2-22 mHz) and electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves (0.1-5 Hz) in Earth's magnetosphere;
  • self-consistent kinetic modeling of the interstellar pickup ions, Alfvenic turbulence, and the core solar wind in the outer heliosphere;
  • energetic particle propagation, acceleration, and interaction with neutral atoms in the heliosphere and interstellar medium;
  • particle interactions with an external and self-generated turbulence;
  • data analysis and interpretation.

Dr. Gamayunov has developed:

  • global, based on first principles, self-consistent computational model of electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves and ring current ions in a coupled system of Earth's magnetosphere, ionosphere, and plasmasphere - the best currently available global model of electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves in Earth's magnetosphere;
  • self-consistent kinetic model of the interstellar pickup ions, Alfvenic turbulence, and the core solar wind heating in the outer heliosphere.

Dr. Gamayunov has worked as a senior research scientist at IZMIRAN, as a NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellow at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (Huntsville, AL), and currently he is a Research Associate Professor at Florida Institute of Technology. During his free time, he enjoys reading, watching movies, listening music, and spending time with his family and friends on beach.